Shawn and I had often talked of working together professionally and our personal circumstances have now given us the opportunity to help teachers teach, a goal and interest we'd shared for years. We shared the challenges, frustrations, joys, and successes of working through our doc program together.
I'd worked as an speech/language pathologist for over 20 years. I'd taught gifted students and junior high schoolers under my other teaching licenses. I'd worked in both public and private schools. I'd written hundreds of IEPs and led as many meetings. And somehow, I'd become the go-to person for all things Special Ed in my building, even though I wasn't the supervisor.
I am grateful that my superiors recognized and valued my expertise. I was given the opportunity to develop and lead trainings on writing IEPs, using visual supports with students with disabilities, increasing parent involvement, and differentiation for both gifted and children with disabilities. As I finished my terminal degree, my university awarded me an adjunct teaching position for graduate students which I still enjoy.
So this was an easy decision. Through PLC Consultants, I've been able to realize my dream of supporting teachers and paraprofessional in real, tangible ways. Shawn and I developed learning modules that are so much more than canned presentations where you watch a video and take a quiz and post a quick comment on some discussion board.
We decided that reframing Professional Learning Communities through the lens of technology would afford educators the opportunity to interact with their colleagues in their own work setting in new and meaningful ways. We developed strategies for Professional Investigations that nurture collaboration, innovation, and mutual support and accountability. And so, PLC Consultants was born.
As we continue to refine our website and our learning modules, please accept my personal invitation to take a look for for yourself. We'll continue to write about the value of PLCs here as well. We encourage you to share your comments with us too.
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